ENCORE YOUTH THEATRE is the junior division of the Sinodun Players where we run weekly theatre classes for children between the age of 7 and 19.
Footlights is for year 3-5 children and we work on further skills including ensemble building, storytelling, poetry as well as sharing scripted and devised performances.
Limelights children are in year 6 and 7 and continue to develop their skills with more detailed explorations into areas such as improvisation, radio, and Shakespeare to name but a few.
Year 8-10 students are in Spotlights where we have previously looked at Shakespeare, ensemble theatre and storytelling through movement.
Our final group for students in year 11 upwards is Twilights. The Twilights is a smaller group who previously have explored topics such as naturalistic theatre and devised theatre around a stimulus.
We are privileged to be able to hold our weekly sessions in the studio at The Corn Exchange which brings opportunities for tours around the theatre, classes on the stage and of course shows, whether this be an Encore show, a play created in a week or the annual pantomime.
Alongside our regular Encore classes, we run holiday workshops where children work together every day for a week to create a play which we then perform to an invited audience on the Friday. During the week students make props, gather costumes, create characters, learn lines and make friends. We have performed in both the studio and on the main stage and it is a brilliant opportunity for children to experience the work of the theatre along with all the technical side that goes along with it.
Another huge bonus to joining Encore is the opportunity to be part of the Sinodun Players’ (award-winning) pantomime! Something students start asking about in the summer!!
Footlights (school years 3–5) : 4.30–5.20pm
Limelights (school years 6 and 7): 5.40–6.35pm
Spotlights (school years 8–10): 6.55–7.50pm
Twilights (Elite) (school year 11 up to 19 years): 8.00–9.00pm
Classes take place on Wednesdays in term time, at the Corn Exchange Theatre.
We look forward to welcoming you soon!
For more information, contact Diana, EncoreYouth@SinodunPlayers.org.uk.