The CX Times
The Newsletter of the Sinodun Players
The newsletter is edited by Jean Simmons.
Back issues of the newsletter can be found below. You will need Adobe’s Acrobat reader to view/print the PDF files (the latest version of the viewer can be downloaded from here).
Copy Submission & Deadlines
The deadline for copy for the next issue is midday on Sunday 9th March. Submissions after this time will not be included. Please submit copy by email to or by post to The Editor, CX Times, Corn Exchange, Market Place, OX10 0EG. All material in this publication is copyright and may not be published in whole or in part without prior written permission from the Editor.
- All correspondents must supply the Editor with their name and contact details. However, names may be withheld upon request.
- The Editor reserves the right to determine whether material submitted for publication shall be printed and reserves the right to edit as needed for space, libellous statements or personal attacks.
- No articles will be published that in any way demean or insult any member or group of members.
- The Editor may need to limit the length of letters (300 words approximately).